14 - 15 Sep 2024
Wondering where to start to make your home warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and to save on energy bills? Visit an Energy Saving Home during Oxford Open Doors on 14-15th September, 2024, to find out how your neighbours and fellow Oxford residents have approached this challenge.
Oxford Preservation Trust is again hosting Energy Saving Homes during the popular Oxford Open Doors weekend this September. Visit a home near you or across Oxford to find out how other homeowners have upgraded their homes to make them warmer in winter, cooler in summer, and cheaper to run! There are many homes which will open at different times over 14-15th September.
Energy Saving Homes is managed by Low Carbon Oxford North on behalf of Communities for Zero Carbon Oxford, a collective of community groups working to take practical steps to address climate change. The Oxford wide programme is designed to encourage residents to improve the energy efficiency of their homes through both large and small measures. Energy Saving Homes was established in 2022 when it also had a stall at Energy Saving Fair at Oxford Town Hall which gave a series of talks, films and advice booklets for householders, tenants and landlords. Further information can be found at https://lcon.org.uk/communities-for-zero-carbon-oxford/Energy Saving Homes contacts:
Guy Hargreaves at guy.hargreaves@energysavinghomes.org
Fiona Crosse at fiona.crosse@energysavinghomes.org